The Form editor. Enhanced to ease your work.
New enhancements per your requests.
Preview the final CSS rendering in the form editor without running your dialog. Thanks to this feature, you not only save time and effort, but you might actually enjoy the process!
Speaking of saving time, macros are available in the form editor to help you get more done in less time, providing you with an ideal way to reduce time spent on repetitive tasks.

4D View Pro. A multilingual product.
Increase your customer base with Six languages.
Considering how important it is for both you and your customers to have 4D View Pro spreadsheets in your native language, 4D now provides a set of six supported languages! In addition to English, we’ve added support for French, German, Japanese, Spanish, and Portuguese!

4D for iOS. There's always something new.
Speed and enhanced UX are the order of the day.
Inform salespeople about a new quote or insurance agents about a new case thanks to deep linking that allows, with a single click, to directly open the app and display the appropriate record.
Plus, the data synchronization process has been optimized to give you up to 25 times faster data sync! This means thousands of records can be pulled instantaneously!

4D language and beyond. Better with every release.
A set of features for mighty 4D applications.
Write understandable, more readable code thanks to a coder-friendly syntax for class functions and methods and build usable and intuitive interfaces as a result of the enhancements we've made to help implement type-ahead!
And that's not all! If you need to retrieve a list of messages based on criteria such as all emails from a specific person within the last 4 weeks, then a mail feature is available to help you do so.
As for ORDA, you can define the scope and execution contexts for functions, which not only helps with client/server optimization but also provides an additional level of security to your code. In addition, shareable entity selections are here for your future applications where performance and scalability are a must!

4D Write Pro. Subtle improvements, big impact.
Build A UI that meets your requirements.
With many UI enhancements, developers are now able to subtly fine-tune their documents. For starters, if you're using 4D Write Pro to format your emails, you can display just the desired widget pages to simplify the interface and make the user’s work easier.
And if you have documents from various sources and numbers are not correctly formatted, we've got a solution for that too! You can specify the correct setting for each document with the option that fits your needs.
One last thing, the insertion of soft-hyphens has been simplified by providing new standard actions, as well as new buttons in the 4D Write Pro Interface widgets (both the toolbar widget and sidebar widgets).